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About Us...

PROCON is a civil engineering company specializing in providing sound solutions to the customers to meet their business objectives.

PROCON’s mission is to provide our clients with quality engineering services that meet and exceed their expectations and satisfy their project needs. Every service of PROCON is tailored to meet the individual needs of the customer.

Mainly focused on energy sector, power transmission and distribution, all types of industrial facilities and residential buildings, Procon's services are provided by qualified and experienced engineers and managers.

Having designed and remotely supported more than 30 major projects in these sectors in the Middle East and Turkey over the last three years, we are excited to provide global best-practices in work-share to support our contractor partners with viable options for reducing costs, increasing profits, and optimizing their construction talent.

  Firmamizin muhendisleri NEECS( National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying -USA) tarafindan Turkiyede sadece Istanbul Teknik Universitesinin duzenleme hakkina sahip oldugu `PE (Professional Engineering) ve FE (Fundemental Engineering) ` sinavlarina ilgili lisanlarini almak icin basvurularini yapmis ve hazirliklarini surdurmektedir.PE & FE  
  Firmamizin Dr. ve Yuksek mUhendisleri Istanbul Teknik Universitesinde, Binalarin deprem performanslarinin ve hasar gorebilirlik egrilerinin degerlendirilmesinde yeni metotlar uzerinde calismaktadir. Ilgili calismalar en kisa surede web sitemizden yayinlanacak ve takip edilebilecektir.Bina Performans  




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